Thursday, March 27, 2014

my road is a jellyfish

It all feels like a Kerouac book. This journey rolls on and I'm a happy passenger taking in the little parts and pieces.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

No more teapots

little shoes have no ideas

Ink all over my hands reaching my core

Every artista knows the pain of painting to much or to hard. The pain/ache of the forearm. I crave that pain. when I don't feel it I'm restless. maybe it is insanity..........either way......I love it....when i have it the world is moving at this amazing pace. It feels like flipping through a book in ten seconds and trying to read sentences. It sounds like the ocean. An endless ocean.

still working on this one....a sneak peak if you will. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Birds are ink against mountains of soup


So it has been a  few days since my last goes it? I'm good...a bit on edge I think but good. I think I miss Carlos....we used to talk all the time and now we moved and I never see's been a week in the amazing new place but I miss the simple neighborhood. I should just call and visit........weird people problems I guess. I sometimes wish I should turn them off. Like find the nob and click it to 2. I need to paint more but I have no real canvases. I need to get up and go grab some tomorrow before work. I've been wondering if I'm moving forward in my art or if I should keep my I'm not sure anyone looks at it at all. I need new cards so people visit it and leave comments. I should just wash it out and start it over again so it is minds are like camp much burning at one time fighting against the cold night air against the night. hmmmmmmmmm.....thoughts in the fourth wall.